Degree CGPA Calculator is easy and the best calculator gets Degree CGPA. Now you can easily calculate your degree CGPA online. Within a few seconds find out CGPA online ( Cumulative Grade Point Average ).
Degree CGPA Calculator
Numerical Grade | Letter Grade | Grade Point |
80% and above | A+ | 4.00 |
75% to less than 80% | A | 3.75 |
70% to less than 75% | A- | 3.50 |
65% to less than 70% | B+ | 3.25 |
60% to less than 65% | B | 3.00 |
55% to less than 60% | B- | 2.75 |
50% to less than 55% | C+ | 2.50 |
45% to less than 50% | C | 2.25 |
40% to less than 45% | D | 2.00 |
<40% (Less than 40%) | F | 0.00 |
You can also Calculate your Honours CGPA / HSC GPA / SSC GPA
Follow the Steps to Calculate Degree CGPA
Here are 5 steps to find out Degree GPA/CGPA.
Step 1: Select your Degree Course Name
First, you will need to select a Course. By default, the BA Course will be selected. If you need to calculate other groups such as BSC or BSS then you should select group as BSC or BSS.
Step 2: Select Degree Year
Now select your Degree year. If you are a student of degree 1st year then you can select or select 2nd or 3rd year.
Step 3: Select your Degree Subject Name
Now need to select the Degree subject from the list. By default, you will get groups the most common subjects. In step 1 if a select Course as BA then most common subjects will select automatically. If someone wants to change the subject then do that from every subject dropdown menu. Remember, choose the subject of the group only. If not find the subject also check that did you selected the group correctly? Compulsory Subject cannot be changed and need to select specific Courses subject. If you don’t find any subject then select “Other: as a subject.
Step 4: Select Your Degree Grade/Point
Now need to select each subject and subject paper grade individually. Select Grade From Dropdown list. You will find the grades are A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D, F. Make sure that you need to select all subjects Grade to calculate Grade Point. Need to select grade format to get the Grades in the dropdown list.
Step 5: Finally, Click on the Degree GPA Calculate Button
Finally, you need to click on Calculate Degree GPA Button to get the Final Result. If you completed all the steps correctly you will get the result. Grade Point Result shows Grade and Point.
Calculated Degree CGPA Result will show How much Grade Point You Got and also shows what is Your Grade. Follow the Image and the Result should be like this.
At the same time, you will get Grade and Point. Grade and Point Result circle will show color indicator too. If anyone gets minimum B Grade / Grade Point 3.00 then this Grade Point Result will show Green color. If anyone got less then B grade / Grade Point 3.00 then this Grade Point Result will show Yellow Color.
Common Errors
You may find some common warning if you did not select the subject and Point. Every Course and their group Like BA, BSC, and BSS have the subject and all the subject’s names are listed on.
Duplicate Subject Selected: If you select the same subject then you will get a warning like Warning:- Duplicate Subject Selected. Do not select the same subject two times. If you got this warning then check out a chosen subject list where are duplicate subject selected.
Some Point or Grade Field are not selected: You have to select all subjects grade or put all subjects at Grade Point. If left blank Grade selection or point for any subject then it will get this warning. Select all subjects grade or put all subjects Point to get a result with Degree CGPA Calculator.
The Degree is a Course of Bangladesh Education Board. Degree Resulting process is on the Scale of Grade Point 4.00. GPA stands for Grade Point Average and CGPA Stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. Where CGPA 4.00 is the highest Result. Also, a point indicates Grade too, Where A+ is a Grade and 4.00 is Point. Also, Degree CGPA Result indicates Division. Divisions are the 1st division, 2nd Division, and 3rd Division. Grade Point 3.00 and above are 1st Division, Grade Point 2.50 to 2.99 is 2nd Division and Under 2.50 is 3rd Division.